## version $VER: InfraRexxDaemon.catalog 2.0 (22.06.94) ## codeset 0 ## language dansk EXCEPT_CIABBASE Kunne ikke bne ciab.resource ;; Could not open ciab.resource; EXCEPT_REXXBASE Kunne ikke bne rexxsyslib.library ;; Could not open rexxsyslib.library; EXCEPT_CXBASE Kunne ikke bne commodities.library v37+ ;; Could not open commodities.library v37+; EXCEPT_ICONBASE Kunne ikke bne icon.library v37+ ;; Could not open icon.library v37+; EXCEPT_SIGNAL Kunne ikke allokere et signal ;; Could not allocate a signal; EXCEPT_TIMER Kunne ikke allokere timer B p CIA B ;; Could not allocate timer B of CIA B; EXCEPT_MSGPORT Kunne ikke bne en beskedsport ;; Could not open a message port; EXCEPT_REXXPORT Kunne ikke bne en rexx hostport ;; Could not open a rexx hostport; EXCEPT_FILTER Kunne ikke oprette et commodities filter objekt ;; Could not create a commodities filter object; EXCEPT_SENDER Kunne ikke oprette et commodities sender objekt ;; Could not create a commodities sender object; EXCEPT_TRANSLATOR Kunne ikke oprette en commodities overs ;; Could not create a commodities translator; EXCEPT_READFILE Kunne ikke l se codeset filen ;; Could not read the codeset file; EXCEPT_ARGS Forkert argument ;; Argument line invalid; EXCEPT_OPENFILE Kunne ikke bne fil ;; Could not open file; EXCEPT_FILEFORMAT Forkert filformat ;; Incorrect file format; STRING_INFORMATION InfraRexx Daemon information ;; InfraRexx Daemon Information; STRING_CXTITLE InfraRexx Daemon Leon Woestenberg ;; InfraRexx Daemon Leon Woestenberg; STRING_CXDESCR ARexx infrar d fjernbetjeningsinterface ;; IR Remote Control ARexx Interface; STRING_BADFILTER Ugyldig popkey definition ;; Invalid popkey definition; STRING_REQUEST InfraRexx Daemon foresp rgsel ;; InfraRexx Daemon Request; STRING_ACTION Betjen venligst den infrar de monitor,\neller afslut InfraRexx Daemon. ;; Please control the infrared monitor,\nor quit the InfraRexx Daemon.; STRING_BUTTONS Monitor til|Monitor fra|Afslutte ;; Enable Monitor|Disable Monitor|Quit;